Generally speaking I feel very good. I am energetic and well. My coloring is good and I've only lost a little bit of hair. It is common for Gastric Bypass patients to experience hair loss at least to some degree. Having been gifted with extremely thick hair it is barely noticeable that I've lost any. I've tried really hard to adhere to the protein, vitamin and calcium intake requirements each day and I think it is paying off. It has been impressed upon me the importance of accumulating enough of these nutrients on a daily basis. Without them one can fall into a nutrient deficit state that can have some pretty serious ramifications. I have embraced dairy foods and meat into my every day diet as well as including everyday supplements of calcium and Flintstones children's vitamins.
Exercise is something that I work at. Now that the holidays are over I can be more consistent about it. Yesterday I did a short cardio workout followed by a short Cybex weight circuit. Today I'm going to play with my new stability ball. It is supposed to be good for core exercises. I suppose there must be some core muscles in there somewhere!
I've arrived at a place where eating is pretty easy. I know my limitations. I cannot eat much at a time so I eat a small amount 5 or 6 times a day. I can eat most things without trouble but I steer away from sugar. I can tolerate only a small amount of real sugar. A single bite is about all I can do safely. Any more than that gives me the shakes. Splenda is a great substitute and is widely available. I have found sugar free products pretty easy to come by and actually prefer that now. Interestingly my tastes have changed since the surgery. For whatever reason some things I really used to like no longer appeal to me and I sometimes crave things that I didn't like before.
Medically I am doing exceptionally well. I will be done taking Actigall in February. That was prescribed as a precaution. People who lose weight quickly often develop gallstones. So far so good. Another medication is being tapered down. If all goes well with that I'll be done with it at the end of May. In the end my goal is to only need my allergy meds on an occasional basis. I am having a liver scan soon. The prediction is that they will see a significant decrease in the size of my liver. All of the liver enzymes and blood indicators are now in the normal range so it's looking good. At 6 months post-surgery I am quite happy with my progress. I feel like I have a brand new body.
Medically I am doing exceptionally well. I will be done taking Actigall in February. That was prescribed as a precaution. People who lose weight quickly often develop gallstones. So far so good. Another medication is being tapered down. If all goes well with that I'll be done with it at the end of May. In the end my goal is to only need my allergy meds on an occasional basis. I am having a liver scan soon. The prediction is that they will see a significant decrease in the size of my liver. All of the liver enzymes and blood indicators are now in the normal range so it's looking good. At 6 months post-surgery I am quite happy with my progress. I feel like I have a brand new body.