It has been awhile since my last post. Now that school is in session it is harder to find a few minutes to concentrate on an update. Our first marking period ends Friday and we will have officially ended the first six weeks of school. As they say, "The honeymoon is over!".
Today I weigh 117 pounds. That is right around what I weighed in 1988 when I competed in the Empire State Games. That was 20 years ago and I was in the 118 and under weight class for women's olympic style weightlifting. I have lost a total of 48 pounds and 64.75 inches from my body. 11.5 of those are from my waist. Last weekend I bought a pair of black jeans that are petite size 4. They don't have any elastic at all. I cannot remember the last time I bought pants without any stretch to them. Of course even petite pants are too long so I took them to the tailor (my new best friend) to have them hemmed and made into straight legs instead of boot cut.
On the health front, my liver enzymes are now all within the normal range. The middle of the normal range. My blood sugars are also in the normal range and my nephrologist noted that the last blood sugar reading was on the low side of normal. I had an EKG recently which showed a lower that normal heart rate. I asked if I should be concerened and they just laughed and said no, athletes and people who are very fit always have lower heart rates. My blood pressures are dropping and so is my medication. I think pretty soon I won't need blood presure medication at all.
I am continuing to do very well. I still avoid real sugar but I have found some very good Splenda recipes. I NEVER drink anything carbonated because carbonated beverages stretch and increase the capacity of your stomach. I never knew that until I had the surgery. It is believed that carbonated beverages account (at least in part) for people over-eating when they consume soda.
I can't eat lettuce. It doesn't chew up well and it doesn't seem to move through my system well. I can eat cabbage. The only difference is that cabbage is a little thicker and easier to actually chew. My biggest daily challenge is drinking enough fluid. I used to be able to do half to three-quarters of a gallon every day. Now I struggle to drink a half gallon of liquids. The problem is that I can only drink about a half cup at a time. Being back at school I get distracted from remembering to drink. It has been challenging but now I am on the right track.
It was also difficult to start eating according to a bell schedule. I have discovered that by eating 4 small meals a day I can maintain energy and fulfill my nutritional requirements. This semester I teach 2 classes and then have a gap of 120 minutes until I teach my 3rd class. That 120 minute gap allows me 2 tiny meals: one at the beginning and one near the end. You might actually call them snacks.
It has been harder to work out with being back to work. I try to find time every day to do some physically activity. It might be cutting the grass, gardening, walking or weights. I do go to a wellness center at the hospital when I want to use the treadmill or weights.
Right now I am simply staying the course. I have a little over 10 pounds to go before my Dr. evaluates whether or not to lose any more weight. The current goal is 105. I'm sure I'll reach that before the end of 2008.
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