My Aunt Shirley took this full body picture of me a couple of weeks ago. It does show how different I look compared to where I began. It's kind of odd but I don't think my head has caught up with my body yet. What I mean is that my body is smaller but my head hasn't quite registered that yet. When I shop for clothing I still pull the large size and then when I try it on I realize that was a silly choice. Most of my shirts are now small or medium. That depends on the quality and the cut. I don't like anything to be too form fitting. I'll keep my curves to myself for now. When I look in the mirror I do see myself as thinner. In the past few weeks many people have started to ask about my weight loss. It is pretty dramatic at this point. Most people want to know my "secret to success". I say that I eat less and move more. That is the truth. My surgery is only a tool to help me stay to that path. My BMI is now 25.3 and I am on the cusp of moving into the classification of "normal weight". Maybe I'll reach that by next week.